Monday, August 25, 2008

Caroline! Michelle!

Well, the first 2 hours were neither here nor there, but then a personal hero(technically heroine, I reckon)of mine came out and the show was on!
Caroline Kennedy talked about Obama and the inspiration he is to her.
In the tribute to Ted Kennedy, she credited her uncle for progressive legislation on civil rights, healthcare and the minimum wage - all the fruits of a career in the Senate that has spanned five decades.
The sheer sweep of that history, made human flesh in Sen. Kennedy's surprise appearance, reduced the crowd that only moments before had been dancing in their seats to silence.
"My fellow Americans, it is so wonderful to be here," said Kennedy, nearly overcome with emotion. "And nothing, nothing is going to keep me away from this special gathering tonight."
And then the highlight of the evening.....Michelle Obama! Who rocked the house with great speech. She talked about meeting Barack, and her family . Said all the right things and i liked her.
Looking forward to tonight's speech, will probably have more to say about that afterwards.

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