Thursday, November 1, 2007

The March to War ( part 2, or is it 3?)

First of all, I just need to say something and get it out there. If you read this blog often , well, then you probably know that Senator Clinton is my candidate. As of now, that remains true. But I have to confess ( and this has really been bothering me) her recent Iran vote gives me pause. She voted in favor of the measure in question, which asked the Bush administration to declare Iran’s 125,000-member Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terrorist organization. Part of the reason for Mrs. Clinton’s vote, some of her backers say privately, is that she has already shifted from primary mode, when she needs to guard against critics from the left, to general election mode, when she must guard against critics from the right. This is "they" say to assure voters that she would be a tough commander in chief.
Well, I for one don't like it. Did we not not learn that if you give the Bush administration an inch that they will take a mile?
I do not want this country to start another stupid and senseless war.

This is scary as well...

ON WE GO....
Related subject(Unfortunately)
The Bushies, they crazy.
And this should help explain that statement.
The war in Iraq is clearly a losing proposition. So here we go again. Let's go to war with another country!
Recently, Geo. Bush remarked that "if you're interested in avoiding World War III ... you ought to be interested in preventing [Iran] from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon." Also recently , Dick Cheney warned of "the Iranian regime's efforts to destabilize the Middle East and to gain hegemonic power ... [we] cannot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its most aggressive ambitions." On Tuesday, Bush insisted on the need "to defend Europe against the emerging Iranian threat."
Yikes! and whaaaa??? all in the same sentence.
The Iranians are going to launch a nuclear missile (that they don't yet possess) against Europe ( for reasons unknown because, as far as we know, they're not mad at anyone in Europe )?

This is Iran.

It has not invaded a country since the late 18th century.
The United States has a GDP ( gross domestic product) that is 68 times larger and defense expenditures that are 110 times greater.
It has a population of 60+ million. ( The United States has a population of 300+ million. )
It has an economy the size of Finland's. ( pop. 5+ million)
So, there you have it.
George Bush and Dick Cheney live in a much different reality than the rest of us. And, my great fear,( which not many people know ) a nuclear war seems more real than it has in a long time. I always reassured myself that, indeed, cooler heads would prevail. The button would not be pushed. But, I am not sure there are cooler heads to prevail.
And that makes me nervous.


A few weeks ago, I boldly predicted the Houston Texans would be playoff bound this year. I could not have been more wrong. After last week's dismal performance, the Texans only seem to be backward bound. I swear, it looked like they had fallen into some weird time machine and it was the first season all over again. I think I read somewhere that the team is on track to break the most sacks per season record. So, it wasn't just David Carr!
Anyway, no playoffs for the Texans this year.

Peace Out...

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